Ok... the tiredness is over and I've got no more excuses. I'm 15 almost 16 weeks pregant and feeling fabulous. I've been to tired and busy these past couple months to update the blog and every week I swear its already Friday again!! Can't believe how fast time is passing. I'm going to have a newborn before you know it.
So our official due date is Sept 23. Every time we have an ultrasound they keep moving it up which is ok by me. I'm excited to have a baby but pregancy..... hmmm, not really loving it. I'm not even that sick or anything but right now I just feel like I'm getting bigger and bigger. Can't wait to feel that baby move so this all seem a bit more real. We have two amazing midwife's out here that are taking great care of us. They call to see how I am and have appointments every month. Everything is right on track so we feel blessed. Can't wait till 20 wks so we can finally see if its a boy or a girl. Talon and I both kinda want to have a boy first but I kinda think its a girl. Either is great I just want to start planning and SHOPPING. That will be fun. I 've been buying other people baby stuff for so many years I can't wait to buy it for my own little one.
I've been busy working and teaching Yoga. I've started my Anusara training which will go on for the next year. I have a 5 day workshop every 2 months and then I'll be a Anusara Inspired teacher. It's a new style of Yoga that is really simple yet effective and used a lot in helping people with injury's. I love learning about the body and how it works together and I'm excited to have this experience. I didn't realize the amount of homework I would have though.... we get assignments every week in between immersions, I should probably be finishing that right now...
Life is good on the coast. Spring is here... the flowers have been blooming for a month and the tree's should have full leaves by the end of the week. Best winter of my life. I miss everyone back home and its a lot worse now that I'm pregnant. Its going to be hard to have our family out here but I know that this is where we are supposed to be right now.
I'm to lazy today to upload pics but I have lots so I'll do a picture blog later this week.
Lots Of LOVE!!