Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Well another week has gone by and it was Halloween. I probably wouldn't have gotten around to buying or making Leo a costume this year but Talon's super awesome sister Nik sent us out this awesome Dragon costume!! It's for a 6 month old but of course fit Leo great and he looked super cute. We went up to a party at our church and took him trick or treating.... or maybe just showed him off:)

This is Cooper... Leo's new BFF. He's 2 month's older than Leo and the only other boy that we know that will be born this year in Vancouver. Hopefully these two won't get into too much trouble together.

We carved a pumkin... lit it up. Took some pics, and then I made him into soup. Yum!!

Janell and Ben came over from Victoria and spent the weekend. Janell had some good cuddles with Leo and Ben kept Donk entertained all weekend. He needed some extra attention and sure got it as well as lots of popcorn, walks, wrestling matches. He was one happy pup. We had a great visit and are sure happy to have some family out here:)


  1. Leo is adorable! I can't believe how much hair he has. How nice that Janell got to visit you guys. Sounds like you had a great time.

  2. It's great being out here on the coast- close enough to catch a ferry and come visit! Thanks again for having us. Extra snuggle to Leo from me! Love ya.

  3. So cute! I really need to post tomorrow! Can't wait to meet him, he is pretty cute!
