Saturday, January 16, 2010

Princess Bambi and the Hound.

As many of you know I have a love for animals. I have always had at least one pet my whole life so luckily I married a guy who doesn't mind a few animals tearing around our house. I've had Bambi now for almost 6 years and she's quite the princess. She drinks by dipping her paw in the bowl and licking it off, its pretty cute and she's in love with Talon. She seriously loves him more than me and he loves it. Donk is our new little hound dog. He's a Dachshund crossed with a Boston Terrier and he's such a good pup. He so friendly and easy to train. We are so happy we picked such a good pup.


  1. Donk's out fit is sooo cute! I don't think I have ever seen Bambi. That is cute how she drinks!

  2. that photo with the rocks on the beach and your puppy is fantastic!
