Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Now we're laughing

This morning was total chaos at the Toth house. Started off like any normal morning. Leo woke up and he and I had a cuddle on the couch and watched a show. Then we had breakfast. He chomped down all his food like a champ and then I decided to let him play in his highchair while I went to the washroom. He was happy enough playing with his toys but I decided to try giving him a rice cracker to keep him entertained. He'd never had one before so at least I was smart enough to not just give it to him and leave. He thought it was pretty cool and shoved the whole end in his mouth..... all the way to the back of his throat gagging himself. He starts puking and out comes all of breakfast, all down his front, all over the floor, and all in the highchair. Not a smart move Momma:(. Well I hauled the puke covered Leo down to the bathroom and stripped him down and threw him in the tub. I called for Pops to wake up and come and keep and eye on Leo while I cleaned up the puke. While I was cleaning I heard a commotion coming down the hall. Talon's calling for my help so I go see whats happening. Leo started pooping in the bathtub so Talon pulled him out so he wasn't lying in poop and then he started pooping more all over the bathroom floor. Talon moved him out of the poop and set him down as he proceeded to control the poop situation as Leo start's peeing all over the floor now too. REALLY Leo?!! We both just looked at each other and started laughing. What a gong show. I started a chain reaction of stuff flowing out of our son and a once peaceful morning was over. Its morning's like this that I'm so glad I have a happy helpful hubby who doesn't mind cleaning up poop. No more rice crackers for Leo for a while.


  1. I'm laughing right with ya- what a morning! You didn't by any chance have scrubbing down the floors on the list of things to do for the day?

  2. HILARIOUS!!! Funniest thing I read today. Thanks!! :)
