Monday, January 31, 2011

Glad our baby is tough

Well after a near mishap with the dresser on my part, on Saturday I hear screaming from the bedroom while Talon is changing Leo's diaper. He just leaned over to put the diaper in the genie and Leo rolled again, this time right into the crack of the wall and the dresser. He didn't fall far but was stuck and scared, screaming bloody murder. I thought he'd fallen all the way to the floor this time but was actually kind of relieved that he had only gotten stuck and was ok. I don't know what I would ever do if this little guy got hurt. I'm sure it will happen one day as things do with little crazy boys. I think we won't be changing Leo on the dresser anymore.

I just have to write this story down too so we don't forget even though I remind Talon of it quite a bit. When we flew back to Alberta for Christmas we were at the airport in Vancouver. We made it through security with our dog and baby and stuff (we had quite the load), and were trying to find some seats to wait for our flight. Talon was carrying Leo in his car seat and we hadn't buckled him in after we went through security. The seat is really heavy with our giant baby and the base attached so he set it down for a minute and didn't really watch what he was doing. He thought he had set it down flat but it was actually kind of sideways and the car seat tipped over on the floor dumping Leo right out and the car seat right on top of him. There were lots of people around and this man yells out to me, " He dropped your baby!!" I run over of course as Talon's response time to emergency's is at a much slower pace than mine and grabbed Leo. He was totally fine not even crying but by then half the airport was staring at the father that dropped his baby. Hahha... it was pretty funny. Glad Leo's a tough little guy.


  1. I'm glad Leo wasn't hurt. We just had a terrifying day a couple weeks ago with Jared and Amber's baby. Armin fell and fractured his skull, thank goodness he's okay. These babies can be alot of stress - but so worth it!

  2. i'm sorry, I had to laugh at the airport story. haha.

    i'm so happy Leo is alright. He's a tough AND active kid!

  3. Oh dear- I'm laughing at the airport scenario too! I'm sure it will be awhile yet before he has any major bangs and bruises, but I have no doubt they will come... he is a boy after all, and I'm sure he's inherited some of his parents' adventure genes along with the great hair :)
